The Choir Director functions under the direct supervision of the Rector. The Choir Director exercises the Rector’s canonical authority in the area of Church Music and is subject to the Rector’s review and direction.


St. Clement’s seeks a skilled, experienced choir director to develop and maintain a thriving choir that supports the worship of the parish for Sunday Mass and church occasions, as well as supporting a healthy relationship between the choir and congregation in collaboration with the Rector. The new Choir Director will have the opportunity to recruit volunteer singers from within the parish and the wider community, and to hire four singers to serve consistently as section leaders. We seek a leader who will understand/learn the high standards of our Anglo- Catholic liturgical style as well as the parish’s African American heritage. They will nurture both choir and congregation in worship through music.


The role of the Choir Director supports the worship of the congregation, including its Anglo-Catholic style of worship and its African American heritage as both are expressed in music. Priorities include:

  1. A strong participation of the congregation in the hymns, Eucharistic settings, psalms, and other music of the

    entire liturgy, and in the full observance of the Church Year.

  2. Support for an environment of reverence and beauty in worship, including preludes/postludes, vocal solo or

    choral offerings, and times of silence.

  3. Development of the musical resources of the congregation, through support and training of the choir and

    building familiarity with and capacity for use of the current hymnals in use.

  4. Involvement of others with musical gifts that may enhance the worship of the congregation.


  1. Recruit new volunteer choir members and section leaders, at the beginning of their employment, to enhance the current small group of volunteer members. New choir members need not be parish members but must respect and participate in the traditions of our liturgy, such as standing and sitting, participating in liturgical prayers and responses, and observing the parish’s liturgical norms in procession. The Choir Director will encourage all choir members to strive for consistent attendance.

  2. Plan and Direct music for Sunday Mass, Feast days, and Pastoral Offices (see schedule below). Assist the Rector in planning, arranging, and preparing music that supports the liturgy and encourages participation of the choir and congregation. The 1982 Hymnal and Lift Every Voice and Sing II are our current resources for congregational singing. Anthems for the choir will be planned as appropriate. Music for special occasions may also involve instrumentalists. The Choir Director meets at least quarterly with the Rector and organist, at mutually convenient times, for such planning.

  3. Rehearse weekly with the choir on Sundays before Mass, working collaboratively with the organist. The choir season currently runs from September through early June. During the summer, the Choir Director will continue to plan and implement music for Sundays and other occasions as needed.

  4. Facilitate a healthy relationship between the choir and the congregation as a whole. Encourage choir members, both paid and unpaid, to understand their role in supporting the parish’s worship, and to connect with members of the congregation at coffee hour or other opportunities.

  5. Collaborate with the Rector in any effort the parish makes to be a sanctifying presence within the wider musical community of Seattle. This may involve collaboration with instrumentalists, other choirs, etc., and musical offerings for special occasions. Budget for such occasions will be subject to advance approval.

  6. Be responsible for the use of the current choir library and for purchase of music as needed, working within the Vestry’s approved budget. The Choir Director, with the organist, will also report to the Rector and Vestry any maintenance/repair needs for the organ and pianos, and oversee these necessities.

  7. Keep abreast of current understandings of liturgical music in the Episcopal Church, through reading, workshops, and other continuing education. Funding will be available for such opportunities in consultation with the Rector.


  1. Familiarity with the style and principles of liturgical music and with hymns and settings common in the Episcopal Church today. The applicant must be willing to undertake a course of study to become proficient in any unfamiliar areas.

  2. Ability to rehearse, develop the skills of the choir, and teach basic principles of liturgy relevant to the choir's ministry.

  3. Sensitivity to the congregation’s abilities, and a willingness to initiate suggestions to strengthen congregational participation.

  4. Strong collaborative skills and respect for diverse perspectives about liturgical practices and music.


  1. The Mass each Sunday, currently at 10:30 AM.

  2. Festal liturgies: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, the Great Vigil of

    Easter, possibly other church year Feast Days, Bishop’s visits, etc.

  3. Pastoral Offices (marriage, burial). For offices requiring a choir, The Choir Director will be given first

    option to serve for these Offices and will make themselves available as far as possible for them. When not available personally, the Choir Director will attempt to arrange for other musicians as needed. These services are compensated separately, by the family, at the rate specified by the parish.


  1. Priority in all choices of music will be to honor the liturgical needs of the service. Seasons of the Church Year will be carefully observed, and anthems for the choir will be appropriate to these seasons.

  2. The existing choir library will be one resource for choir anthems, including works composed for St. Clement’s by the organist and published anthems from the great music of the church. Subject to the budget, additional works may be added to the library.

  3. Except in special cases, music for congregational singing will be selected from the Hymnal 1982, Lift Every Voice and Sing II, and/or Wonder, Love and Praise. Prayer Book rubrics and directions will be honored. New congregational music will be introduced at a pace that allows the congregation's full and strong participation. On Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Easter morning, the congregation will be given a chance to sing familiar hymns and carols.

  4. Special music (anthems, soloists, instrumental works, etc.) may be planned to enhance the celebration of the Church Year, especially for the festal liturgies, and should always enhance the liturgical action of the congregation. Consultation with the Rector and organist for special music is essential and should occur before any special plans are presented to other musicians.

  5. Concerning Pastoral Offices of marriage and burial, initial discussion of music will be between the family

    involved and the Rector, and subsequently with the organist and (if a choir is desired) Choir Director, whose role will be to help plan music as desired and that appropriately represents the standards of the church as expressed in this parish.

  6. In all communications, the Choir Director will support and help interpret the above Parish Priorities, and the leadership of the Rector and Vestry. The choir director must air any concerns directly and promptly to the Rector in matters relating to their position and encourage others to express concerns or complaints directly and promptly to the person(s) responsible.


  1. The Choir Director’s employment will be year-round. The choir season runs from September through early June. In summer while the choir is off, the Director will continue to plan and provide music for Sunday Mass, in collaboration with the organist. Summer duties can include serving as cantor themselves and/or encouraging volunteers from the choir and parish as cantors, soloists, instrumentalists, etc.

  2. Upon hiring, the Choir Director’s compensation will be $15,000 annually. Compensation will always be within the provisions of the agreement approved by the Vestry, and shall be reviewed annually at the time of the preparation of the parish budget in order to consider adjustment due to cost of living, merit, longevity, and other matters. Compensation is subject to withholding taxes, deducted monthly.

  3. The Choir Director will be compensated separately for any scheduled services or Pastoral Offices additional to the regular schedule, at a rate determined by the Rector in consultation with the Vestry.

  4. The Choir Director will be entitled to three compensated sick days per year, and will have four Sundays of compensated vacation time annually.

  5. The Choir Director will be responsible for finding a substitute musician for Sundays and feasts, if needed, for planned absences.

  6. The Choir Director will be permitted to use parish facilities for private teaching, and/or rehearsal of outside groups without charge. Times for such events shall be coordinated in advance through the parish office, so as not to conflict with the needs of the parish.

  7. The Choir Director is appointed by and directly accountable to the Rector. Employment is at will and may be terminated at any time by either party. A formal evaluation of the Choir Director’s work will take place each year at a specified time. This evaluation will include the Rector, at least one of the wardens, and others invited by the Rector. The Choir Director should express any concerns relating to the position directly to the Rector.

  8. The new Choir Director is required to complete and maintain current status with the SAFE CHURCH training that is required for employment by the Diocese of Olympia. If they have never completed this training or are not current with it, completion will be required at the beginning of their employment. SAFE CHURCH training is available online.

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