The life of Jesus was all about others. He emptied himself so that others might experience the love of God from him. He called and calls his disciples to do the same: to give of ourselves for the sake of others especially those on the margins of society.
Service is the other side of the coin from worship. One can't have one without the other. Service also acknowledges our own personal humanity and doesn't expect us to do the impossible. We serve using the gifts we have been given.
Building a skyscraper with cans of food collected at Mt. Baker Day at the Park
Service Committee
Service in daily life is the vocation of every Christian. We reach out to those in need of comfort and care, and take concrete action to lift the burdens of others. We also have a parish-based Service Committee that meets periodically to address current needs or take on specific projects. Speak with a greeter on Sunday morning if you’re interested in learning more.
Serving in the Sunday Liturgy
We also serve by taking part in the celebration of the Sunday Liturgy. Serving as greeters, acolytes, or readers of the Bible lessons, assisting in administering the Eucharist, singing in the Choir — these are all ways we serve each other and God during our weekly celebration of the Mass. If you would like to take a more formal role in Sunday worship, please speak the Rector.
St. Clement’s Community Garden
St. Clement's Community Garden is up and running. Click here to learn more.