Church Nave
Facility Rental
Church Nave
As a member of the local community, St. Clement’s Church is glad to offer our facilities to outside groups. This might be a one-time event or something ongoing such as a weekly rehearsal or group meeting.
Both the Church (upstairs) and the Undercroft (downstairs) are available to meet your needs. The Church is made up of the Nave, where the people sit, and the Sanctuary and Choir, the raised platform where the Liturgy is celebrated. The Sanctuary is the perfect space for the performance of music, a play, etc. The furniture, including the Altar, is all moveable and the space is flexible. If necessary, the crucifix on the back wall can be covered. There is also a grand piano located on the platform.
The Parish Hall
The Parish Hall (also called the “undercroft”) is downstairs and includes unisex restrooms, and a kitchen (which is in the process of being remodeled). Tables and chairs are available for use. It’s the perfect place for an event such as a reception, dinner, rehearsal, meeting, etc.
Both the Church and the Parish Hall are fully accessible: the Undercroft by a ramp leading to the door and the Church accessible via the elevator entered from the Undercroft.
Please send an email to the rector with details and dates to request use. In order to coordinate our efforts in reserving rooms and equipment, your request must be submitted a minimum of THREE WEEKS prior to the event.
Your email does not guarantee a reservation of facility or equipment until confirmed by the church office.
Groups are responsible for their own setup and cleanup. The details of setup expectations, equipment availability, and related fees will be relayed when we confirm your reservation.
While St. Clement’s Church makes its facilities available to the community as a public service, we ask for a fee to cover our costs in the upkeep and maintenance of the building. Fees widely and are generally modest.
Email the Rector for more information.