Children at St. Clement’s

Children of all ages are very welcome at St. Clement’s. While we don’t currently have children’s programs, we encourage participation in any way that works for you. Our worship is an expression of Anglo Catholicism and has an inherent reverence and mystery. It’s also grounded in the physical reality of God becoming human, so we try to embrace real life. We’re pretty relaxed as a congregation, and we hope you and your children will join us and be able to relax with the Liturgy yourselves.

Some may want to sit in a pew and sing the hymns, listening, standing, and kneeling with the rest of the congregation. Some may prefer to do their own thing, maybe reading a book or drawing. Others may prefer to hang out on the rug in the front row, where we have some paper and coloring supplies, and where they can easily pop their heads up to see what’s going on. Older kids who are interested are invited to learn how to serve as acolytes.

There’s an unstaffed nursery room downstairs designed for younger kids – you’re welcome to make use of that as you like, including coming in and out of the service if that’s seems more manageable. There are also a number of books outside the nursery that can be brought into the church or read downstairs.

We are looking for two terrific people to staff our nursery on Sunday mornings. Please email our Parish Development Team, if you’re interested or to learn more.